by Mid Mar | Mar 5, 2020 | Building Tips
You may sometimes need to cut your concrete blocks to fit your structure perfectly. There are two popular ways to do this, the first being with a hammer and chisel and the second with a circular saw. Here are the steps you need to take to perform this task...
by Mid Mar | Jan 23, 2020 | Building Tips
In the past, due to its affordability in relation to clay products, concrete building material gained a reputation for being a low-quality product that will not withstand the elements. This is quite far from the truth. When the benefits of using concrete bricks and...
by Mid Mar | Dec 5, 2019 | Building Tips, Uncategorised
It’s that time of year again when stress levels might be flying high about creating a festive feel for your home during the holiday season. With visiting family members, cooking a delicious menu as well as buying gifts, don’t let holiday home decor be...
by Mid Mar | Dec 5, 2019 | Building Tips, Uncategorised
As the years tick on by we’re finding a steady increase in summer temperatures around the globe. Even with the inviting bright days and braai weather, the heat could make for quite an uncomfortable season. Here are some quick and easy tips on how to cool your...
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